Chinese steel makers have agreed to pay record prices for iron ore from the remote Pilbara region of Western Australia. 中国钢铁公司同意以高价购买西澳大利亚皮尔巴拉地区的铁矿石。
For next quarter, mining and steel executives calculate that leading steelmakers would pay about$ 110-$ 120 a tonne for their ore supplies, an 80-100 per cent increase from the$ 60 level at which the 2009-10 annual contracts were settled. 矿业及钢铁行业的高管们估计,在下个季度,主要钢铁企业将须支付每吨110-120美元的价格购买铁矿石,这比2009-10年度合约中敲定的每吨60美元上涨了80%-100%。
Rio instead raised cash to pay down hefty debts with a rights issue and also announced an iron ore tie-up with BHP ( which itself had tried, and failed, to acquire Rio in2008). 然而力拓通过增股来筹集资金偿还债务并且宣布和必和必拓铁矿石联盟(其也试图在2008年收购力拓,不过失败了)。
Steel mills are set to pay record prices for iron ore next quarter, as resurgent global demand butts up against limited supply, the Financial Times reported. 据《金融时报》报道,随着铁矿石全球需求回升,而供应有限,钢厂下个季度支付的铁矿石价格将创出历史最高水平。
For the purpose of metallogenetic prediction, however, prospectors pay more attention to ore searching information or indicators, especially those macroscopical signs that can be simply and easily identified. 从成矿预测角度,查明和获得找矿信息或找矿标志,尤其是那些容易识别的宏观找矿标志是找矿人更加关心的问题。
Application of compatibility, pay attention to remove blood stasis drugs tonifying qi pefc card treatment of nourishing blood and role, frequent use of animal medicine, ore drugs and external incense medicine. 大量配伍应用活血化瘀药,重视痹证治疗中补气养血的作用,频繁使用动物药、矿物类药及香药,剂型多选丸散剂。
Pay attention to these favorable alteration and mineralization site will be helpful for finding porphyry copper molybdenum ore related to the Mesozoic intracontinental volcanic-intrusive complex rocks and magmatic epithermal lead and zinc deposit. 要注意在这些蚀变强度大的有利成矿部位找寻区内中生代与陆内火山&侵入杂岩有关的斑岩型多金属铜铝矿及岩浆热型铅锌矿。